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Sex on a Budget: Bosu & Swiss Balls Makeshift Sex Position Aids?

Most people know of Swiss and BOSU® Balls as exercise aids. They are commonly used to facilitate a variety of exercises including abdominal crunches, push-ups, and more.

But, what about sex position aids?

Think about it.

A lot of sex position aids out there are in similar shapes and used simply as a way to facilitate sex positions in ways that cannot be done by yourself alone. Both aids are used in very similar ways with a few obvious exceptions. So, that being said, couldn’t you utilize a Swiss or BOSU® Ball in the same way that you would a sex position aid?

The Benefits.

After all, think about all the money you’ll save. Depending on what kind of spender you are, you can save anywhere from $30-$200 if you double your Swiss or BOSU® Ball as both an exercise and sex position aid. The Swiss Ball can be utilized for mostly fun positions and less anatomically compromising ones (meaning no difficult or advanced positions!) due to the instability of the ball. The BOSU® Ball can be utilized as a simple position aid, especially if you put a blanket over it to make the surface softer. And, of course, you now have a position aid and an exercise aid that you can use for both getting in shape and getting off. I love multitasking!

The Drawbacks.

Drawbacks to using the exercise balls as sex position aids are that the exercise aids really are not that sexually or sensually appealing. Their surfaces are, unfortunately, plastic and not made for comfort so they would need to be covered in a sheet or blanket or you can simply endure. They lack a certain level of stability which means if you have bad coordination or balance, you might end up hurting yourself. Deciding whether or not to use one is really to your discretion. Be ready to judge your fitness level and see if you are up to par with the challenges this would pose. Lastly, sex position aids are more aesthetically pleasing than are exercise aids. If you’re trying to set the mood, it might be difficult.

The Bottom Line.

If you are really strapped for cash, this could be a good idea for you, especially if you already own one of these exercise aids. If not, depending on your fitness level and which you would use more (sex aid or exercise aid), you may want to simply invest in one or the other. All in all, if you do have one or wish to get in shape while you get off, this might work for you and will definitely save you lots of cash. Remember to consult your primary care physician if you are unsure about your fitness level, health, etc. before attempting anything.

Good Luck!