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Monthly Archives: March 2009

The New RomanceAttack.Biz

Hello!  We’re in the process of giving our site an overhaul and we’re hoping to get you involved!

Our customers like coming to our physical store locations because we offer more than just a great selection of products:  We offer a fantastic environment to shop in, via our friendly, knowledgeable staff, with their genuine desire to help the people who come in looking for something special.   We realize that the anonymity of the internet makes our website the perfect forum for our customers to post their ideas, issues, experiences, questions, etc. in a completely safe and comfortable environment.

With your help; we’d like  to build an online community of women (and men!) who are confident sharing thoughts, feelings, experiences and ideas regarding their romantic/sexual presence with others in the hope of helping each other and enhancing their own experiences.   What turns you on?  What turns you off?  What makes you happy or puts you in the mood?

Of course, we’d also like to hear what you think of our site; (honestly) for good or for bad. We realize that the bad things you’re likely to say about us are the very things we need most to hear to improve our online (and perhaps our physical stores as well) presence.  Do you like the blog but hate the online shop?  Or is it the other way around?  Let us know in the comments section to this post.  We want to hear from you…your feedback will directly affect the look and the content of the site.

We have a lot of experience (more than 25 years) in retail and manufacturing of romance & relationship products. We have a lot of information and experiences that we hope you will draw upon; but more importantly we are hoping that you will be willing to share with us your own life experiences, opinions and issues so that we can better understand and serve you not just with products; but an entire experience made up of our contributions and yours.

In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be expanding this site by adding various features to it.  One of those features will be a message board that will allow us all to get to know each other better.  In the meantime, of course, anyone who wants to can make their voices heard by replying to these blog posts through the comments section.

And lastly, if you’re looking for our online store, all you need to do is click the “Shop Online” link at the top of the page and you’ll be taken directly there.  Hope to hear from you soon!