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Monthly Archives: November 2013

Black Friday Sale Extended Thru Cyber Monday!


That’s Right!

Our Black Friday Sales will be going through to Cyber Monday so you can get your shop on All Weekend Long!

You’re Welcome 😉


Deals to Take Advantage Of : 

  • Spend $80+ Get 10% Off Your Order!
  • Spend $150+ Get 20% Off Your Order!
  • Spend $300+ Get 30% Off Your Order!

These deals will last until midnight on Cyber Monday or December 2nd, 2013.

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

Quick Tip to Make First Time Anal Easier + More Fun for Everyone!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

Happy Shopping!

♥ xO

Happy Black Friday + Time to Get Your Shop On!


Happy Black Friday!

Are You Ready to Get Your Shop On?


If you’re shopping online today, take a look at our Black Friday Deals!

Otherwise, stay safe, sane and alive!

While you’re waiting in line, feel free to have a look at some of our latest posts! 

3 Reasons You Should Have Sex After Black Friday Shopping

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November! 

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

3 Ways to Relieve Stress While Shopping on Black Friday!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

Happy Shopping!

♥ xO

Get Masturgasm Black Friday Deals Now!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Because I’m awesome like that, I decided to open up our Black Friday Deals a few hours early so you can get to shopping for the things you want right away without delay (that unintentionally rhymed…it’s magic!)


So, Here’s What You Get: 


Shop On & Be Awesome, My Friends. 

Get the Deals on Masturgasm – here.

Get the Deals on Amazon – here.

3 Reasons You Should Have Sex After Black Friday Shopping

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November! 

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

3 Ways to Relieve Stress While Shopping on Black Friday!


Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving to You & Yours from Masturgasm! 

Here’s to a Safe & Fun Holiday!


If you have time before dinner, Check out some posts & Sign Up for our Naughty November Giveaway! 

3 Reasons You Should Have Sex After Black Friday Shopping

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November! 

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

3 Ways to Relieve Stress While Shopping on Black Friday!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

♥ xO

Avoid Getting Trampled On Black Friday: Shop Online with Our Black Friday Deals Instead!


It is that time of year again my friends. 

You know, that time when people go insane for sales and we are more than happy to amp up the insanity for you from the comfort of your own home because why? Because who would read our blog and shop at our store if you were trampled to death? So, since our goal this year is to keep you alive and happy, we’ve decided to offer insane online deals that you can enjoy from the comfort and safety of your own home; Live On & Shop On!


Take A Look At This Year’s Deals: 

  • Spend $80+ Get 10% Off Your Order!
  • Spend $150+ Get 20% Off Your Order!
  • Spend $300+ Get 30% Off Your Order!

These deals will go live at midnight on Nov. 28th and last until midnight on Cyber Monday or December 2nd, 2013.

Happy Shopping & Cheers to Your Survival! 

3 Reasons You Should Have Sex After Black Friday Shopping

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November! 

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

3 Ways to Relieve Stress While Shopping on Black Friday!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

♥ xO

Quick Tip to Make First Time Anal Easier + More Fun for Everyone!


Happy Saturday!

Just a quick tip to help those of you who may be taking the fun, but sometimes intimidating, plunge into trying anal for the first time.

Quick Tip: Try giving the receiver a massage (or give each other massages ) beforehand!

The reason for the massaging is not necessarily to get you both in the mood for sex, though it may have that affect anyhow, but really to get the body more relaxed and receptive. With daily stressors, it’s no wonder we’re all tensed up and high strung, but that kind of tight body makes anal more difficult, painful and less fun for everyone. By massaging one another, you ensure your muscles are more relaxed and pliable so sex in general, but especially anal, will be much more enjoyable and facilitated.

Happy Humping ♥

3 Reasons You Should Have Sex After Black Friday Shopping

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November! 

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

3 Ways to Relieve Stress While Shopping on Black Friday!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

Happy Shopping!

♥ xO

3 Reasons You Should Have Sex After Black Friday Shopping


Black Friday can give you a heaping rush of adrenaline and possibly a little panic, but in a good way right?

I always come home from my Black Friday shopping with a ridiculous amount of energy, despite being beyond exhausted and that’s why we should all take some time before getting some much needed sleep to enjoy a little sex.

Here’s Why: 

  • It Relaxes Your Nerves. When you get home, you’ll be all cracked out on adrenaline and excitement from the rush of shopping so why not have a little down time before you hit the pillow? Sex will help you sleep better, relax you and even help you burn more fat! Don’t believe me? Learn more about it – HERE.
  • Use Those New Toys! Assuming you did some pre-shopping online or maybe even at your local adult retailer, you’ll have some new sex toys to play with! If not, you can always shop with us & get great deals anytime 😉 With that, you’ll definitely want to take them for a spin right?
  • End the Night on A Good Note. If you got in a fight or got a little more aggressive than usual during Black Friday, some nice sex is a great way to end the night on a good note instead of going to sleep angry!

Happy Shopping!

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November! 

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

3 Ways to Relieve Stress While Shopping on Black Friday!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

♥ xO

3 Ways to Relieve Stress While Shopping on Black Friday!


Black Friday is a lot of fun, but it’s also really stressful. Between trying to get to the shops early enough to wait in those ridiculously long lines to hoping you can get your hands on the last doorbuster LCD TV or laptop, it can be downright exhausting which is why I came up with 3 tips to help you stay stress free during the craziest shopping day of the year!

  1. Vibrating Panties. I know it sounds a little wild, but hear me out! With vibrating panties on, you’ll be cool as a cucumber and feel erotic as hell! No need to push, pull or yell because you’ll be feeling divine. Just make sure the vibrations are quiet so no one can learn your secret to success! 😉
  2. Sexting. This is a bit more subtle than the other options, but still effective nonetheless. You’ll have to prepare for this one just a little bit, but take naughty photos of yourself for a friend or partner and then send them along while shopping. You can add spicy text messages for a potential romp with the photos, if you like, and then when you get home, perhaps they can meet you there for a quickie!
  3. Butt Plug Fun. This is the wildest idea I came up with, but it could be super enjoyable for you, especially if you like the kinkier side of things! A small butt plug will do and can go unnoticed if you’ve got jeans on and not only will it keep you salacious and ready, but you’ll get your shopping done twice as fast just so you can get home and go to it!

Whatever you do to keep your cool and have fun on Black Friday, stay safe and sane! 

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November! 

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

♥ xO

3 Ways to Thank Your Partner(s) In Naughty November!


When it comes to thanking your partner, there are a ton of ways you could do it, but determining which is the best way to show your gratitude depends on your partner…and if there’s a bed nearby! 😉

Here Are 3 Ways to Show Your Partner Some Gratitude This Month:

Pamper Them.  Offer up a nice massage with some erotically scented oil. Whether you make it erotic or not is up to you, but it’s more fun that way ! You can include, candles, a nice drawn bath (bubbles optional) or shower, and create the whole experience. Even though it seems like a small gesture, it’s a really nice way to show someone you care (and hopefully get laid too!).

Treat Them.  Gifts people! No, I’m kidding, unless you think that’s appropriate because who doesn’t like a nice dildo or five? We have a nice selection of naughty gifts over on Masturgasm to peruse, if that’s what you had in mind, but otherwise there are tons of way to treat someone. You can pamper them (see above), treat them to dinner (homemade or at a restaurant), and yes, of course, shower them with gifts!

Indulge Their Senses. Whether you want to carefully plan out dinner and dessert yourself or get reservations at a local hot spot followed by some nice scented candles and massages at home, either way it’s a great idea! Be sure to add some subtle, but sexy music to get you both in the mood for fun.

10 More Ways To Thank Your Partner This Thanksgiving

Your Adult Christmas Gift Guide: Sex Toys For Every Personality

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

♥ xO

Quick Weekend Tip to Get Laid More This Winter!


Want More Sex This Winter?

Make sure you have a nice bedroom setup! This means lots of pillows, soft blankets and possibly scented candles at the ready. It might not seem like it would make a difference, but setting the mood for sex does a lot to amp up the intensity of the experience and get you in the right mindset to pleasure each other! Also, have socks on hand for your girl friend (if you have one 😉 ). Apparently, women are much more likely to orgasm when their feet are nice and cozy!

Good Luck 😉

10 More Ways To Thank Your Partner This Thanksgiving

Your Adult Christmas Gift Guide: Sex Toys For Every Personality

Click Here to Enter Our Naughty November Giveaway!

Check Out Our Items on Masturgasm – here.

Check Out Our Items on Amazon – here.

♥ xO

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