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The History of Sex

How long have we been experimenting with sex? What was sex like B.C. or in Roman times? Find out here!

The Historical Significance of Butt Pirates


The term “butt pirates” is one you have probably heard at some point or another, but I am willing to bet you have no idea where this phrase originated. Butt pirates is now thought to be an offensive phrase, but the origin is anything but offensive. In fact, the sexual history of pirates was quite progressive for it’s time.


The Historical Significance of “Butt Pirates”

Beginning around the 1600’s, “butt pirates” were much like “circumstantial homosexuality” that occurred during Greek times in which, during long times away from wives and families, pirates would engage in sexual activities and sometimes relationships with their shipmates. Some even completed a ceremony, at sea, called “Matelotage” which was considered to be much like marriages including the right to their spouse’s (or mate’s) property, living quarters, rings, and earnings. In the event of one mate’s death, the other would also have the right to claim their status, earnings, and belongings. Race was not an issue for pirates at sea, either, which was a surprisingly forward-thinking mindset for the time, as well, so interracial relationships were also common. In an effort to decrease the instances of homosexuality on ships, a French governor from Tortuga sent a trope of hookers onto various pirate ships, but this only resulted in threesomes. Women dressed up as men and became pirates during this time, as well, in order to escape their undesired lives on land which may explain some of the supposed “homosexuality,” but other cases are, more probably, a simple way for homosexuals to live openly and be themselves.

Stay Safe & Naughty 😉

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Your Guide to Erotic Biting

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The History and Evolution of the Vibrator!


Our boss discovered this little gem at a local antique store over the weekend and we discovered that it was manufactured in 1902! Don’t cringe away from this little treasure, though – the vibrational powers are pretty strong considering it’s over 100 years old, though it does have a cord and need to be plugged into the wall. Even though you can’t see it, there’s a little black ball joint on the other side of the wand that is the vibrating bit on this; the rest is just the handle and the mechanism – crazy right?!

If you read the chronicle of the vibrator that I’ve written below, you’ll see that it’s likely this vintage vibrator was one of the first electric ones available to the everyday consumer and also makes it 112 years old! Read on below to get the scoop on the history and evolution of vibrators 😉

The vibrator has been around a LONG time. 

Doctors had already been treating women for “hysteria” as well as a variety of so-called illnesses by performing what we now call masturbation for a few hundred years, but the first vibrator wasn’t invented until 1734 in France and was called the Tremoussoir.

Steam Power

The first steam-powered vibrator was invented by American physician George Taylor in 1869 and called the “Manipulator.” It was created to help relieve doctors of persistent wrist and hand pains due to “relieving” women from “hysteria” among others. Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville was the first to invent an electromechanical vibrator around 1880.

Around the late 1800’s to early 1900’s Gustav Zander created a device that was meant to aid and prevent eating disorders, but was commonly used to achieve orgasms.

The First Electric Vibrator

It wasn’t until 1902 that Hamilton Beach patented the first electric vibrator that was available to mainstream consumers. This release made the vibrator the fifth electronic appliance that was available to the masses, right behind the fan, sewing machine, tea kettle and the toaster. They were then advertised as any appliance would be in various magazines and periodicals.

In the 1920’s, vibrators began to appear in pornographies and thus disappeared from mainstream advertisements (as they could no longer dispute what the vibrators were actually being used for).

Going Mainstream & Cordless

The vibrator did not make a re-appearance until the 1960’s sexual revolution and then a cordless version was made available. Shortly after, varied versions with multiple speeds and functions  were released as well.

Vibrators became much more mainstream during the 1980’s and even more so in the 1990’s, appearing on mainstream television for the first time.

Today, the vibrator is more available than ever and you can purchase one from your local pharmacy, convenient store, and nearly anywhere online.

5 Sex Tips to Make Your Orgasms More Intense!

How to Convince Your Partner to Try New Things In Bed!

3 Naughty Sex Positions to Try! 

Brand Spotlight: American Made Tsx Toys

Burn Calories While You Climax! How to Lose Weight By Having A Sex Workout Regimen!

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♥ xO

Sex: The History of Condoms!


Today’s post is a bit of a history lesson which I thought would be fun since many sexual practices, tools and toys have been around for literally thousands of years.

Take the Condom. 

Did you know it’s been around since Ancient Egyptian times?

 It was first seen depicted during this time in which Egyptians would wear linen sheaths. Historians hypothesize that it was mainly worn to prevent disease, but also could have been involved in various ritual practices during that time.

Later, in Europe around 100-200 AD, cave paintings depicted the use of sheaths or condoms in France.

Widespread Use & Spermicide

In the 1500’s, linen sheaths were utilized in a much more widespread manner in order to prevent disease after an Italian man, Gabrielle Fallopius, conducted experiments on over 1,100 men and found that use of the sheaths prevented diseases such as syphilis. Later, it was also discovered that the sheaths helped prevent pregnancy as well. In the late 1500’s was also the first time that these linen cloth sheaths were sometimes soaked in chemical solutions and set out to dry and can be referenced as the first use of spermicide.

Condom is the Word.

The word condom was not actually used to refer to these linen sheaths until the 1700’s and, it seems, no one is quite sure why, though there are many rumors and suggestions. In the mid 1700’s, condoms made from animal intestines became available, but they were very expensive and often re-used. Condoms became very popular in London in the later 1700’s and were even advertised in storefronts.

In 1844, the face of the condom changed forever when Hancock and Goodyear discovered rubber vulcanization and condom manufacturing was revolutionized. Condoms were then able to be made as thin, but strong elastic rubber sheaths that could be manufactured quickly, cheaply and effective for contraception and disease prevention.

In 1861, the first condom advertisements were published in the New York Times, but later in 1873, The Comstock Law was passed which made it illegal to advertise any sort of birth control and allowed US postal workers to confiscate condoms sold through the mail.

Liquid Latex.

In the 1880’s, the first liquid latex condom was produced, but they aged very quickly and were not of the best quality.

In the early 1900’s, a movement preventing Americans from using condoms resulted in over 70% of American WWI troops returning home with STD’s. By WWII, the American Govt. changed tact and aggressively promoted the use of condoms to prevent another STD issue among soldiers.

In 1919, Frederick Killian began hand-dipping from natural rubber latex to produce condoms that were thinner, odorless and far more long lasting.

1.5 Million Condoms Made Per Day.

By the 1930’s, the largest condom manufacturers in the USA were producing 1.5 million condoms per day.

In 1957, the very first lubricated condom was produced by Durex in the United Kingdom, but despite this great leap in the condom revolution, the 1960’s felt a decline in condom usage and an increase in free love (without protection) and the use of the pill, the coil and sterilization.

Condoms Are Available Everywhere.

With HIV/AIDS in the 1980s, condom use skyrocketed once again and the sale of them became widely available in grocery stores, bars and other convenience stores.

Variety Is the Spice of Life.

The 1990’s showed a boom in condom variations with more options than ever. Condoms were made in varying sizes, colors and became thinner than ever before.

Today, condoms are available with a variety of textures (ribbed and studded), colors (including glow in the dark ones!), flavored and even a special condom made especially for women. There are now alternative options for those allergic to latex made from polyurethane and lambskin.

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♥ xO

Courtesans in History: Not Just a Sexual Matter

The word courtesan often evokes provocative and often sexual imagery when heard, but this is not always what it has meant throughout history. Often social and political climbers, courtesans were nearly always members of court, though their wealth and status level often motivated them for further advancement through the act of becoming a courtesan. In order to obtain either a stable income if they were on the less wealthy side or to gain more status and influence social or politically, courtesans were passed from benefactor to benefactor in order to gain their means to an end. Often times, if a courtesan was not wealthy, but held a place in court, she would accept this profession as a stable income or to obtain better status for their spouse (if married), or both. Although, if the courtesan chose benefactors, yet not as a means of income (ie., she was already wealthy), then her means to an end would be to obtain a better status for either herself or her husband.

In the latter arrangement in which the courtesan had embarked upon this profession for means of a stable income, she was often treated less as an equal than a courtesan who was seeking only social or political advancement. Whereas the former ran the risk of ending up in the streets as a common prostitute if she dissatisfied her benefactors due to her financial vulnerability, the latter often made arrangements with benefactors as a strict business agreement and would encounter fewer troubles given her financial security.

Whatever their status of wealth, courtesans all usually had a common basis in that they were artists, performers, or had a particularly witty personality that set them apart from others. They were usually well-educated and cultured, often times more so than many other upper-class women. They were well-versed in the art of conversation, companionship, appealing in appearance, and usually from an appropriate background either by status or wealth. While it’s true that sex was often one of their obligations as a courtesan, it was only a small part of what the profession entailed. In fact, by the early 1900’s, courtesans were seen as more socially acceptable in wealthier societal circles.

Famous Courtesans

  • Madame de Pompadour
  • Cora Pearl
  • Su XiaoXiao
  • Marie Duplessis
  • Yang GuiFei
  • Clara Ward
  • Mata Hari
  • Mary Boleyn

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Prostitutes


Although many things are heard about the world of prostitution, the actual facts may surprise and even shock you. Here are some interesting facts you didn’t know about this mysterious and often risky profession.

  1. During WWII, French prostitutes began the trend of women shaving their legs. They did so to create the illusion of silk stockings when stockings were hard to come by.
  2. 83% of sex workers have Facebook pages from which 25% gain regular clientele.
  3. In November 2000, the former prostitute Georgina Beyer became the first transgendered member of any parliament in the world. She also helped in the decriminalization of prostitution in New Zealand.
  4. Ishtar, the famed goddess of Babylon, was a prostitute. Also the goddess of love, war, sex and money, she was given many names such as the Heavenly Prostitute, the Mother of Harlots and the Great Whore of Babylon. She was also known by Har and Hora which are derivatives of the modern words whore and harlot.
  5. 86% of sex workers have gained a high school diploma while 19% have college degrees. Nearly half of all sex workers work day jobs in retail and food industry.
  6. The word “hooker” comes from the verb ‘hook’ meaning ‘to entice or swindle,’ while the -er suffix refers to a person. Therefore, a hooker literally means a person who entices and swindles.
  7. In Nazi Germany during WWII, prostitutes were sent to concentration camps. They were forced to wear white arm bands with black upside down triangles on them to identify them as prostitutes.

Geisha: The Artist of Beauty & Perfection

Although often misunderstood by the Western world, Geisha are not prostitutes. In fact, the Japanese word Geisha literally means “art person” or “artist.”

With origins dating back thousands of years, the first Geisha were, in fact, men. At the time of their appearance (around early 1600’s), Geisha were men who entertained at parties and whose sole purpose was to make the guests laugh. They were not yet called geisha, but instead were something like jesters (hokan), drum-bearers (taiko-mochi) as they frequently played music, and all-around performers.

It was not until the 1800’s that female geisha began appearing and men geisha completely disappearing.

Female geisha were trained in traditional Japanese song and dance, played musical instruments such as the shamisen, wearing kimono, the art of conversation, Japanese tea ceremony, serving alcohol such as sake, and the art of calligraphy. Even today, geisha exist, learning the same traditions as their predecessors although with more modern adaptations such as computer skills and English to entertain foreign guests.

Although much about the inside workings of the lives of geisha in the past and present remains a mystery, this much holds true: geisha were women meant to be walking and talking works of art. Their goal of pure perfection through learning the arts and exuding nothing but elegance, grace and poise has fascinated much of the world for centuries.

The Art of Erotic Spanking

Erotic spanking has had a special place in the hearts of many for thousands of years. The first descriptions of erotic flagellation appear around 600 B.C. and erotic spanking as an art in the world of pleasure gained even more prevalence in the Victorian era, where much of the erotic art and pornography of the day featured arousal and stimulation gained from flagellation and spanking. Spanking is most definitely the most common form and most socially acceptable form of BDSM in society today. So, whether it’s your cup of tea to be bent over someone’s knee or whether you sqweel with pleasure at the thought of spanking your partner yourself, here are some fun tips to try:

  • Set the mood. Decide what you want your theme to be or simply spice up the room with some candles, incense or low lighting to create the perfect atmosphere.
  • Choose Your Weapon. Well, kind of. Obviously there shouldn’t be any actual pain (at least nothing that leaves a mark! ;)), but you should decide what kind of tools you want to utilize throughout the day (or night) with your partner. Whether you and your partner decide together is up to you, but there are a number of options to choose from including bare hands, whips, paddles, floggers, and a number of other fun tools.
  • Choose A Spanking Style. Yes, there are spanking styles! You can spank lightly, firmly, in quick succession, long drawn out strikes with sensual massage in between, and anything in between those varieties or in combination. Choose one or try them all!
  • Choose One or More Spanking Positions. There is a wide selection of places to deal out proper punishment 😉 including over the knee, on your knees, tied up in varying juxtapositions, handcuffed to the bed, the door or some other object firmly allocated to the ground, lying on a bed, bent over a couch, and more. Feel free to try what suits you or switch places depending on which ones hold your interest.
  • Communicate. Communication is one of the most, if not the most, important things to keep in mind during any sort of BDSM fun. Be sure to communicate what you want (if you are the spanked) to your spanker 😉 for the night. It is important to be very vocal about what you want otherwise you’re keeping your partner in the dark and may not enjoy the session as much as you could. If they’re doing everything right, remember to use encouraging words every now and again so that they know you’re enjoying yourself. Your partner will definitely appreciate this as they will enjoy giving you pleasure.
  • Have Fun! Relax and have a good time. Trust is really important for something like this and if you’re both beginners, don’t worry about the rules just yet, simply have a good time and take things slow.

Have a blast!

(I know I would!)

Prostitution: Victorian Vs. Modern Times

Prostitution is arguably the oldest profession in the history of human kind. It has been employed since before the time of Christ and is still very much alive today. In fact it has played a large part in women sexuality from Victorian times until now. Although outlawed in many countries today, prostitution still occurs either legally under government control or illegally under the radar. Is prostitution less risky today than it was in the 1900’s? You decide.

In Victorian times, prostitution was not a chosen profession. Actually, it was essentially forced upon young girls and women as a way to earn money to stay off the streets if they were homeless, unemployed, unmarried, orphaned or otherwise left helpless in the days when women could not own property or work any legitimately well paid jobs other than seamstresses, maids, and other low service positions. A mostly controlled profession, prostitutes usually resided in brothels underneath madams who upheld the house and gave room & board as well as food and clothing to them for working within.

Despite this profession being a last resort to many women, society still viewed the existence of prostitution as a contribution to the decline of morality and often referred to prostitutes as Magdalenes or whores. Ridiculously enough, it was also seen as a necessary evil because it was thought to be less harmful for men to engage in sex without love.

Today, prostitution still seems to be seen as a decline in morality and society as a whole, but is not so easily acceptable for men to engage with prostitutes as in the 18th century. Considered illegal in many parts of the world today, prostitution might be seen as more dangerous today than in the past due to the fact that there is little to no control over the market, the clients, nor the prostitutes themselves who often turn “tricks” to sustain a drug habit as well as the fact that STD’s are more prevalent and varying today than in the past. Prostitution today is sometimes seen as a woman’s right to control her sexuality and is more often a choice today than it was in the Victorian era.

Homosexuality:Victorian Vs. Modern Times

Homosexuality has been the subject of controversy for hundreds of years, perhaps more. Existing since the dawn of man, it seems that many societies including those in Victorian times viewed homosexuality negatively. In the mid to late-1800’s, homosexuality was seen as the practices of a “sinner” and was thought to only be practiced by men, although we know that is likely to be very untrue. After the late 1800’s, there was a shift in society’s opinion on homosexuals from being dubbed “sinners” to being thought of as “social deviants” or “perverts.” But as I will repeat again, in the words of Lady Gaga, “A different lover is not a sin, believe capital H-I-M.”

Up until the 1980s, homosexuality was seen as a sickness caused by a weak father and a controlling or dominant mother. Since the 1980’s, many strides have been made to change the public view of homosexuals and their lives with the creation of many AIDS alliance and assistance programs, LGBT organization, legalization of gay marriage AKA same sex union in many countries and in the U.S. only in certain states, and most importantly, more of an acceptance of the homosexual community as a whole by the general public.

Although it is true that we have come a long way in LGBT rights, we still have a very long way to go in achieving equality for the homosexual community as a whole and it seems an even longer way to go in achieving an accepting view on LGBT communities from society as a whole.

Still widely disputed today, homosexuals, both male and female, experience many hardships in their daily lives including religious exile, bans from child adoptions, and, in some cases, shaming and harassment from various members of society.

I urge every reader to open their hearts and minds to accepting LGBT as a way of life that is not a choice for someone, but in the words of the brilliant Lady Gaga, they were “born this way.”

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Homosexuality:

  • The word “homosexual” is a term disliked by the gay community for it defines the person’s orientation, not them as a person on the whole.
  • Other derivatives of the word homosexual used throughout history: Homophile (1960), Homo-erotic (1916), Homophobe (1970’s), Homophobia (1969), and Homos (1930’s).
  • Homosexuality was very common in early B.C. Greece, Egypt, & Roman societies. In Greece in particular, sexual orientation was not something clearly defined or frowned upon and was not used as a social identifier as it is in present day Western societies.
  • Homosexuality is common among many animals, both domestic and wild, including dogs, birds, cats, etc.
  • The term homosexual has in the past only referred to men who are attracted to other men, but modernly refers to both men who are attracted to men and women who are attracted to other women.

To learn more about LGBT support and what you can do to learn more or help out in your community, please visit for more information.

Don’t be a drag, just be a queen. 🙂

Masturbation: Victorian Vs. Modern Society

Hello Everyone!

I’m back this week with another edition of Victorian Naughtiness… or something of the like. This week’s topic is masturbation. What was the public opinion on the matter? Did people EVER masturbate or??

Find out more below!

In Victorian times, masturbation was seen as a downright moral disgrace. Completely shunned by society, masturbation was even believed to cause heart disorders, cancer and hysteria (hello! OBVIOUSLY this one is true ;). Some even claimed that while it may not cause the 3 former conditions (Wth? they don’t even know?), it would surely worsen an existing health concern. It would also, undoubtedly, lead to hopeless insanity that was inheritable by your offspring. So, ladies and gentleman, be wary of masturbation as it is literally a sickness that can be transferred to your children! (hehe, kidding!)

Lastly, in the rarest of cases, some women accused of masturbation were subject to clitoridectomy (removal of clitoris). In extreme and extremely rare cases, even children or babies thought to be touching themselves might be subjected to clitoridectomy (not sure why little boys and men never were; can you guess?) and forever shamed by society or sent to convents. In spite of it all, masturbation was most likely still practiced during this time although it was likely a VERY personal secret due to the serious consequences one subjected themselves to if caught in the act. It is even more likely that masturbation was rare, not due to lack of desire, but only due to fear of the repercussions.

Back to the present! Thank goodness, all that talk of clitoridectomy really freaks me out. Thankfully, in modern days, society frowns upon the act of clitoridectomy rather than encourages it. Nowadays, masturbation is much more acceptable and sometimes even openly discussed among peers. Sex has graciously become a topic widely discussed as the years rush on. Still, with all the open minds, there are small populations of people who still consider masturbation immoral and wrong, specifically certain religious sects who believe this practice to be a sin against God and a way to bring Satan into your life(I do not believe in this!). I have actually even found websites that claim masturbation to be harmful to the body which I believe is completely and totally false. Studies have shown that masturbation and sex are both physically beneficial to the body, the heart, and your immunity. Whatever your beliefs, I humbly beg you to visit a credible medical website (WebMD is a good one!) or contact your primary physician with your concerns.

Tune in Soon for Another Edition of Victorian Vs. Modern Society!

Click Here to Read Sex In Victorian Times Vs. Today!

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