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Monthly Archives: February 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day 2012!

As this fun holiday only comes (mostly) once every four years, enjoy the day, be inspired by it’s name and leap into 2012 with enthusiasm, joy and anticipation for greater things to come!


Fun Facts You May Not Know About Leap Years:

  • A normal year contains 365 days; leap years contain 366 days.
  • Today is actually a holiday in Ireland where women are traditionally expected to propose to a man. If the man turns them down, he is expected to give them cash or clothing though, so it may be nice to propose to someone just in order to get some loot! (Just kidding ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Hindu & Hebrew calendars include full Leap Months.
  • The earth’s rotation takes a whopping 365.25 days so an extra day is added to the calendar every 4 years in order to account for the extra quarter of a day that adds up to 1 day over the span of 4 years. This keeps our seasonal calendar on track.
  • Chinese calendars have leap years, but theirs feature one leap year every 3 years as opposed to every 4.
  • Those born on February 29th can celebrate their birthday on basically any day they want (though usually default on Feb. 28 or Mar. 1) since it technically only comes once every four years! Talk about aging slower than the rest of us!
  • The rapper Ja Rule was born on a leap year on Feb. 29th.
  • Julius Caesar introduced the Leap Year to the Romans 2,000 years ago.

Cheers to Upcoming St. Patty’s Day! (March 17, 2012)


Everyone can enjoy this delightful holiday as we make our way into Spring! Whether you enjoy a fun night at home with green themed treats and drinks or prefer to hit the pub, there is certainly something fun for everyone!

Here’s some of my favorite ways to celebrate:

  • Make green themed everything! From my bright green shirt to drinks, dinner, and dessert, I absolutely LOVE to make it pop! Enjoy this four-leaf clovered holiday with lots of bright green decor or hey, at least some drinks!
  • Go traditional Irish! Corn beef, cabbage and , of course potatoes with some ale is what Irish Americans (like myself!) love to make on this holiday, but there are tons of traditional Irish recipes to indulge in on March 17th such as Shepherd’s Pie, Dublin Coddle, or delicious Barm Brack bread.
  • Have a pint! Everyone knows a big part of St. Patrick’s Day is drinking so, if you’re 21 or older, feel free to throw bag a pint or two with friends at your local pub! Indulge in drinking games or ale tastings as you please, but remember never to drink and drive! Call in that super sober D.D. of yours or a cab!


Some Things You May Not Know About St. Patrick’s Day:

  • Shamrocks are considered sacred in Celtic tradition as they symbolize rebirth in Spring. Nowadays, it’s simply a sign of Irish pride and nationalism or a fun way to show of your greens on this holiday!
  • Corn beef and cabbage has long been a popular Irish American meal. It was originally Irish bacon and cabbage in Ireland, but Irish American immigrants substituted the bacon for corn beef in order to save money.
  • Leprecauns have nothing to do with this holiday other than in U.S.A .where it gained popularity through Walt Disney’s film “Darby O’Gill & the Little People.” Leprecauns do, in fact, have a place in Celtic folklore as being cranky souls who repair shoes of fairies, but really no concrete place in this holiday other than in the U.S.

Whatever you decide to do, remember to enjoy yourself, be safe & wear green!

Courtesans in History: Not Just a Sexual Matter

The word courtesan often evokes provocative and often sexual imagery when heard, but this is not always what it has meant throughout history. Often social and political climbers, courtesans were nearly always members of court, though their wealth and status level often motivated them for further advancement through the act of becoming a courtesan. In order to obtain either a stable income if they were on the less wealthy side or to gain more status and influence social or politically, courtesans were passed from benefactor to benefactor in order to gain their means to an end. Often times, if a courtesan was not wealthy, but held a place in court, she would accept this profession as a stable income or to obtain better status for their spouse (if married), or both. Although, if the courtesan chose benefactors, yet not as a means of income (ie., she was already wealthy), then her means to an end would be to obtain a better status for either herself or her husband.

In the latter arrangement in which the courtesan had embarked upon this profession for means of a stable income, she was often treated less as an equal than a courtesan who was seeking only social or political advancement. Whereas the former ran the risk of ending up in the streets as a common prostitute if she dissatisfied her benefactors due to her financial vulnerability, the latter often made arrangements with benefactors as a strict business agreement and would encounter fewer troubles given her financial security.

Whatever their status of wealth, courtesans all usually had a common basis in that they were artists, performers, or had a particularly witty personality that set them apart from others. They were usually well-educated and cultured, often times more so than many other upper-class women. They were well-versed in the art of conversation, companionship, appealing in appearance, and usually from an appropriate background either by status or wealth. While it’s true that sex was often one of their obligations as a courtesan, it was only a small part of what the profession entailed. In fact, by the early 1900’s, courtesans were seen as more socially acceptable in wealthier societal circles.

Famous Courtesans

  • Madame de Pompadour
  • Cora Pearl
  • Su XiaoXiao
  • Marie Duplessis
  • Yang GuiFei
  • Clara Ward
  • Mata Hari
  • Mary Boleyn

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Use Coupon Code: HAPPYVDAY for a special surprise discount!

Here’s to wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Romance Attack Online!

Fun Favors to Offer to Someone On Valentine’s Day

As you all know, Valentine’s Day can get a little crazy and consumer driven at times what with diamond rings, bling and other fun gift things, but I wanted to take the time to tell you all that there are plenty of other ways to show your appreciation and love without spending little to no money at all. The following are a few fun ways to pay favors to your special someone or even yourself.


  • Enjoy a Spa Day At Home: You will need:Foot spa or Large Plastic Container, 1 Cup Sea Salt, 1/4 Cup Olive Oil, 2-3 washcloths/scrub brush/pumice stone, 1-2 large towels for drying off. Optional: Essential Oil of your Choice. Whether this means you’re treating yourself or your S.O., the process is basically the same. Fill a foot spa or large plastic container (larger tupper ware works if you don’t have a foot spa!) with warm to hot water. Add 1/2 cup of sea salt to the water and mix another 1/2 cup with 1/4 cup of olive oil. Set the olive oil/salt mix aside. Pull out 2-3 washcloths and 1-2 larger sized towels. You can also bring out any other scrub brushes or pumice stones, if you have them, but it’s not mandatory. You may also add some essential oil to the hot water foot spa to lend a nice, relaxing scent to the experience if you want. Either you or your S.O. may then proceed to enjoy a nice scrub and pedicure from you! If you’re by yourself, I recommend popping in a film and letting the sea salt do all the work. Sea salt is a great scrub that can work to dissolve the dead skin on your feet while also reducing the swelling that our feet endure everyday from walking, exercise, etc. You may also follow this with a massage or simply, the naughty ;). You know the drill!

  • Full Body Massage & More!: You Will Need: Your choice of massage oil, lubricant, and if you choose, massage tools. Of course, you knew this would be mentioned at some point or another! After all, what better way to show someone affection and love than through tender and sensual touch? This one is pretty simple and cheap. All you really need is massage oil. Simply have whoever you want to massage lie down, rub some massage oil onto your hands and massage as you please. Whether you choose to go more erotic or keep it platonic is up to you, but I recommend asking the person ahead of time if they have any back issues or neck problems to avoid any injury. If you’re single, invite a guy or girl friend over and take turns! There is nothing wrong with a little friendly relaxation! Plus, strictly platonic means you can chat and hang out in a stress free environment away from the V-Day insanity that will inevitably ensue in any public place you venture to on this day. If you’re taken, this might just be a nice change of pace for you and your significant other.

  • Wine & Dine: You Will Need: Recipes for the items you want to make, utensils, wine glasses, wine (over 21 ONLY Please!), a great mix CD, and lots of laughter! This is a great idea for friends and couples alike. Making dinner as a group or couple can both be great fun. You can choose recipes together to try and enjoy new flavors. Sip some great red or white wine while you test your culinary skills and enjoy the musical stylings of your favorite artists. Whatever follows is up to you!

See you later! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Valentine’s Day Gift Idea: For the Realist

Shopping for that special someone for Valentine’s Day can be tough, even if that special someone is simply you.

That being said, we at Romance Attack Online believe there’s definitely something for everyone in any situation, with any kind of taste, and at any manageable price.

So, whether you simply want your toy to look like the real thing (yet feel even better! ๐Ÿ˜‰ or you prefer to get down to brass tacks when it comes to pleasure, these toys may just be the perfect choice!

Here are some of My Favorites for the Ever-Practical Realist:

Trojan Single Dong

With a comfortable overall length of 8.25″ and an insertable length of 7.5″ this single dong is just the ticket to fill you to the brim with pleasure and ecstasy! Tailored to maximize stimulation with shaft and a delicate clitoris tickler, all your pleasure spots are bathed in sensuality in complete no nonsense fashion and with straight to the point functionality that will leave even your most rational friends speechless!

10.25″ Homeboy in Fauxskin

If you’ve been following my blog at all, you know what a big fan I am of this formidable dildo! Packed with great lengths at 10.25″ overall and 8″ insertable, this toy is NO JOKE. Built with a sturdy base and created with the utmost realistic texture, this dildo has a velvet -like texture that almost feels better than the real thing! Soft and sensual, this toy will definitely make anyone melt, no matter how pragmatic they may be!

9.5″ Plentiful Plugger

Built for uninterrupted pleasure, this dildo brings a little something extra to self love. Standing at 9.5″ overall and 6.5″ insertable, this toy packs a punch (or three!) ย when ordered custom with remote controlled vibrations and a powerful suction cup that promises waves and waves of erotic stimulation. Even the most sensible person will enjoy the stability and power behind this delicious dildo!

Order Any Dong or Dildo from NOW until 2/17/12 and get 20% OFF!

Even last minute or belated gifts can reap the benefits of this offer so hurry while it lasts!


when checking out to get the deal!

Have a Lovely Weekend!

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