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Monthly Archives: October 2012

5 Wild Sex Toys To Try!

When I shop, I love to browse and if I’m shopping online, I’m even more of a browser, but sometimes I tend to get a little overwhelmed by the amount of options available to me. I can’t decide! I want everything! I love lists like this because they present things in a less overwhelming fashion and let me know what’s trending and what others like which can be really helpful when shopping. So, with that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of  5 really fun toys to try in our shop, mostly based on my own experience with them!

Check Out The Goods!

The Original Thick Ur Dick Girth Penis Expander

  • The Original Thick Ur Dick Girth ExpanderThis has been a fan favorite ever since TSX Toys first released it! Inspired by customers for the customers, this girth expander is made to literally “Thick Your Dick!” Enjoy more girth, added stimulation and a whole lot of fun!

3 Extra Inches Penis Extension

  • 3 Extra Inches Penis ExtensionFinally a toy that comes full circle to give you those added inches every man wants! With the easy to wear extension, you get 3 extra inches on your member and a firmer erection during use!

The Wolfman Extension Animal Canine Dildo

  • The Wolfman Penis Extension Animal Canine Dildo – Hello furry fans! This toy was made for all your yiffing pleasure! 😉 Inspired by all the animal fetish fun that’s been trending, this extension allows all your furry sex fantasies to become a reality! (Please Note – None of our furry friends were tested or injured during the making of this product! )

The Wolfman - Suction Animal Canine Dildo

  • The Wolfman Penis w/ Suction – Animal Canine Dildo – Party for one little pup tonight? That’s okay by us! With this awesome Wolfman Dildo, all you have to do is suction down to a hard surface and have all the furry fun your heart desires! (Please Note – None of our furry friends were tested or injured during the making of this product! )

Mr. Ed; Anatomically Correct Horse Member Animal Dildo

Shop Our Entire Line of Sex Toys – here.



Get In Shape With Your Partner & Enjoy Better Sex!

[Image by Ambro, 2012]


[Image by Ambro, 2012]

If your sex life is experiencing some dry, dull patches, you may want to consider fitness with your partner as a way to rekindle the flame in your relationship!

While it may sound trivial, if you are either overweight or have previously done workouts alone, you may find a special bond and pick up in libido if you decide to take the plunge and do some fun workouts with your significant other.

Sweat, Baby, Sweat!

First off all, it doesn’t have to be a difficult workout. It just has to get your heart pumping and your body sweating. When we sweat,we excrete natural pheromones  on a biological level to attract potential mates which may lead to a stronger attraction between you and your partner. Though you may not like the smell of sweat, you can always entertain the idea of shower or after-shower sex! You can do anything from intense stretching or yoga to more intense cardio or strength training. Not only will the bond and happiness of working out, spending time together and bonding as a fitness team improve your relationship overall, but you may find that your libido kicks up a few notches and the post-workout endorphins might just launch you and your partner into frequent after-workout sex sessions!

Get Touchy Feely!

Secondly, whatever you do, do it together. I don’t mean exercise near or next to one another. You should be fully engaged in each other’s workout. There are team stretches and joint strength body workouts you can do in between singular ones to increase the involvement with one another. Whatever you can do to increase contact between the two of you, the better.

Motivation In the Form Of A Post-Workout Romp!

Whether or not you have trouble getting motivated to work out, the best motivation is the promise of an end reward and what better reward to look forward to than post-workout pleasure?

So, get up and moving with your partner this season to experience new and exciting sensations!

You can enjoy a little extra fun with some added toys as well!

You Can Shop Our Entire Line of Sex Toys on Amazon – Here!



Enjoy Ghoulishly Good Sales the Entire Month of October!

Click Here to Shop Now!


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