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Monthly Archives: July 2015

Butt Plugs for Beginners



Butt Plugs for Beginners

I know we tend to gear toward extremes when it comes to sexual pleasure, but if you happen to be more at the beginning stages of your erotic journey of sex exploration, you probably want something a bit more tame and that’s cool with me! We have tons of smaller plugs that we’ve recently added to Masturgasm just for all the beginners!

  1. Micro Butt Plug – At only 4 inches tall (3.5 inches insertable length), this is our smallest butt plug! We have it in 5 different colors and it’s tapered design allows you to go as slow or fast as you like.
  2. AstroTech Butt Plug – Small – Another ideal plug for starters, this plug has more of a realistic shape to it with veins, texture ridges, and a tapered head so it’s slightly more intense than the micro plug because it’s a lot thicker, but the same length.
  3. Small Mole Plug – This is the skinniest plug of the 3 and it’s got a slightly tapered design so you can enjoy anal in baby steps! It’s slightly longer at 3.75 inches insertable, but also a little bit thinner than the Micro plug. Available in 2 colors.

Shop the Sale on Masturgasm – here.

Shop the Sale on Amazon – here.



3 Kinds of Dildos You Need to Try


Let me be frank when I say that not all dildos are created equal. They all have their own unique qualities, but when you break it down, there are 3 main categories which you should definitely give a go if you haven’t done so already – read on if you want to enjoy all the orgasms the world has to offer you 😉


Stylistic Dildos

Stylistic dildos are perfect for those with a big imagination! These designs are totally out of this world. From animal dildos to artistic shapes and sensual textures, stylistic toys have a lot to offer in terms of stimulation and they are a fun way to add excitement to role play fantasies.


Realistic Dildos

Realistic dildos are for the practical one among you. If you want something that feels super close to the real deal, these dildos are perfect. You can get super firm ones or realistic toys with a more skin-like texture. We carry a material called fauxskin which simulates the feel of velvety soft skin so it’s perfect for indulging in classic naughtiness!


Vibrating Dildos

Last, but certainly not least, is vibrating dildos. These delightful sex toys are perfect for those who want only #goodvibes. Joking (kind of), but seriously, these toys have a plethora of designs and styles to choose from across the board. You can get a realistic or stylistic dildo with a vibe or simply a classic slim design; it’s totally up to you.

Stay Naughty ;-)

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.


Your Guide to Medical Fetish Play


Your Guide to Medical Fetish Play

Nearly all children engage in some form of “playing doctor” or nurse at some point in their childhoods. I think we’ve all been there, done that, but for some of us, the sexual intrigue and mystique of the medical fantasy world lives on into adulthood. That’s where medical fetishes come in.

Medical fetishes stem from this innocent childhood play and evolved into something a bit more perverse and erotic (of course). There are many facets to medical play, commonly referred to as Clinic in some places, that can be indulged in from the very tame kink to the more advanced levels. Some forms of medical fetish are not sexual in nature, but many of them more commonly are.

Basic medical fetishes are all based in the same origin of a medical type environment of either a doctor or nurse and a patient. There are a number of medical devices and medical fetish toys one can employ during these sessions and they are widely varied from a doctor’s stethoscope to medical style tools, penis sounds and plugs, medical restraints, spreader bars, latex, and more.


Whatever your level of erotic intensity during medical play, be sure that safety comes first. It’s important to ensure that both you and your partner(s) are enjoying the play to the fullest and feel both comfortable and pleasure-filled.

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.


Rope Bondage Basics


Your BDSM Guide:

Rope Bondage Basics

This week’s kink guide is focusing on all the basics of rope bondage. What is rope bondage, you ask?

Rope bondage, in a nutshell, is the act of enjoying power play (dominant and submissive role play) with the use of ropes. There are many different kinds of ropes and knots one can employ during bondage rope roleplay and each person is particular to what he/she may like.

The Ropes:

Jute, hemp, cotton, silk, and linen are all natural materials which you can purchase to use in rope bondage. Other types are nylon, polypropylene and parachute cord which are all synthetic rope options.  Natural fibers are usually better options for beginners as they tend to be softer and more malleable against the skin. That said, they’re also much less stretchy than synthetic ropes which allow submissives more room to wiggle around. The wiggle room helps prevent circulation so just keep that in mind if you plan on using natural fibers as they don’t allow as much wiggle room despite being softer. One other thing to be aware of are rope burns which can easily occur with any rope material. Materials you want to avoid due to the danger of cutting off circulation and doing nerve damage to yourself and/or your partner include cable ties, cables, bungee cords, and sharp edge plastics. These are considered dangerous materials to use as they are much more likely to cause harm.

The Average Rope Cuts:

  • 5 Meters for Hand and Feet Rope Ties
  • 10 Meters for Small Bondage Ties (1/3 or 1/2 body ties)
  • 20 Meters are usually enough for Full Body Bondage Ties

The Knots:

  • Square Knot, Hitch (half, clove, anchor), Slipping Reef Knot, French Bowline Knot and more. There’s a more comprehensive explanation of knots here.

Different Uses for Rope Bondage:

There are many different ways you utilize rope bondage. One way is as a kind of discipline training for the submissive and encourages obedience. The loss of control for the sub will allow them to truly submit to their dominant. It can also serve as a form of punishment, predicament (how did I get here? 😉 ), and general restraints to restrict movement during any number of role play scenarios. They all have different effects during role play and should all be explored with agreed upon parties.

Rope bondage is a great way to further explore a dominant and submissive relationship, but it pays to be educated on each aspect of the role play ahead of time. This ensures the safety and comfort of both partners during said roleplay which allows more freedom to truly let go, explore, and enjoy the pleasures of a bdsm arrangement.

Good Luck!

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.

The Brilliant Simplicity of Uberlube


Uberlube is not your average silicone lubricantIt’s scentless, tasteless, non-staining, and gentle, but more than that, it’s super long lasting. Unlike other lubricants, this lube does it all. It can be utilized in so many ways including as a massage oil, hair serum, and even shoe polish. Some athletes even use it to help alleviate chafe; who knew? It’s genius to use as a personal lubricant, even in water, and lasts ages and ages. The brand has done extensive research and testing to ensure a luxury and quality product and I personally think they’ve succeeded beyond anything else on the market. Couple the unique formula with high end packaging and what more could a girl (or guy) ask for?

Learn more and purchase your own bottle of Uberlube – here.

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.

3 Ways A Brazilian Wax Can Improve Your Sex Life!


3 Ways A Brazilian Wax Will Improve Your Sex Life

Summer is right around the corner and bikini season right along with it. If, like me, you can’t find the time to shave away day in and day out, a Brazilian wax might be the answer and there are many benefits to enjoy along with it!


  1. You will feel sexier come bikini season. Shaving can be a tireless task and the hair grows right back. With waxing, you’ll feel totally smooth and sexy in your bikini (and lingerie) any time, anywhere. No need to take a quick shower and shave because the work is done!
  2. Summer quickies are a cinch! Ever wanted to enjoy a quick intimate moment with your partner, but decline because you haven’t shaved? Waxing makes that worry a thing of the past. Enjoy all the summer erotic play you like and never worry about hair growth again.
  3. Your partner will love it. 91% of men, in a recent poll, stated they found Brazilian waxes much more attractive and sexy. Many women claim oral sensations to be even more pleasurable and pleasant than before as well!

The results of waxing are awesome, but waxing itself can be uncomfortable. Obviously, you should look for a waxing salon that practices safe, hygienic waxing and has a well-trained staff. A few moments of discomfort are absolutely worth the long term effects of waxing if it means you can enjoy all that summer has to offer, right?

Good Luck 😉

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm.

Browse the Sales on Amazon.


How to Make Sex More Spiritual


How to Make Sex A Spiritual Experience

Sex is wonderful in and of itself, but if you’re looking for something a little more fulfilling to your spiritual life and want to take sex to a higher level, I came up with a few tips to help you get there!

  • Connect With Your Partner(s). Obviously, the first step to a higher level of intimacy is connecting with your partner(s). Because spirituality is a connection of the mind and spirit, you want to be at total ease and comfort with whoever you are engaging erotic activities with. There are easy ways to connect with your partner on this level that you can try, as you like, but my favorites include meditating and/or yoga practice together, weight lifting together, engaging in personal conversation without distraction, indulging in a bath or shower together, and giving one another an erotic massage. Take things slow; that’s where the magic happens!
  • Sex Meditation. Sex meditation isn’t just sitting around doing nothing, though I know a lot of people might have this belief about it. Meditation can be any number of things: making eye contact with your partner without speaking, bathing together in silence, and/or just lying next to one another without doing anything else. Meditation is a focused intention on being with one another without having to do, be, or say anything and this will help you both further connect.
  • Try Tantra. Once you feel a strong intimate bond with one another, you can take things to a higher precipice of ecstasy by indulging in tantra. There are many ways to engage in tantra, but the basics of it are slow, intense, engaged, sexual pleasure and it’s very much rooted in a connection with your partner. You can get more tips on tantra here and read about the history of tantra here.

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.


3 Ways to Make Bondage More Exciting


3 Ways to Make Bondage More Exciting!

Bondage is a great way to spice things up in your sex life, but what happens when things begin to get stale? Do you fold your cards and go vanilla? Not on our watch, kinksters 😉

If you think you’re ready to take your kinky fun to the next level or maybe just mix things up a bit, here are some things you can try to put the fireworks back in your relationship.

  1. Play Doctor. If you’re well educated and inducted into the ways of BDSM and bondage relationships, you might want to try medical play if you haven’t already. Medical play invokes a doctor/patient role playing relationship, involves medical-like devices and toys, and adds a whole new layer of kink to otherwise typical BDSM play.
  2. Gear Up. If you’re slightly new to bondage, but have done some experimenting, you may find excitement with more intense bondage gear such as restraints, cuffs, and other gear to amp up the intensity. Power play is a great way to enjoy some kink, but restraints add a layer of realism and erotic intensity to the whole thing.
  3. 50 Shades of Kink. If you’re well into the world of bondage, but are looking for small ways to add stimulation to your typical play, we highly recommend you give sex toys a try! Whether it’s a vibrator, dildo, or butt plug, we have something for everyone to enjoy and explore.

If you’re totally new to the world of bondage, check out our extensive bondage guide!

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.


Your Guide to Erotic Biting


Although we’re not all self-proclaimed vamps in bed, I think it’s safe to say everyone enjoys a little erotic biting now and again. Whether it’s on the neck, thighs, or someplace a little more intimate, biting can be a sign of passion, aggression and sensual pleasure. If you’re new to this kind of token of affection, our guide is just the thing you need to get a handle on trying it out for yourself and enjoying a little gentle (or not so gentle) nibbling of your own!

Your Guide to Erotic Biting

  • Test the Waters: If you’ve never tried erotic biting in bed with a partner, you might want to take things slow. Test the waters by gently grazing their neck or collar bone with your teeth as you kiss them. You don’t want to go gnawing away at someone who might not be into it so it’s best to ease into things. If you’re really unsure, you can speak with your partner directly and see if that’s something they’re okay with. Communication is key!
  • Where to Bite: Where you decide to dig your teeth in (however gently) is up to you and your partner, but there are specific erogenous zones that will act as pleasure spots for your partner. These are great places to start if you’re new to sensual biting. These pleasure hot spots include your neck, collar bone, lips, thighs, butt, and even breasts, vagina (if they’re okay with it!), and inner wrists. Be gentle until you know if you’re partner is into it and communicate what you both like to determine the best plan of action, intensity, etc.
  • How to Bite: As I previously said, you don’t want to go gnawing away at your partner without their consent. That’s the quickest way to kill the mood if they’re not into it. If they are okay with gentle biting, however, make sure your bites are quick, gentle, and don’t break skin. On top of that, intimate areas are completely off limits unless you and your partner agree it’s okay to do so. And remember: hickies are tacky.
  • Slowly Increase Intensity: Again, erotic biting is something you’ll want to ease into. Gentle biting here and there as you kiss and caress your partner is a great way to build up the intensity over time. The pressure and intensity of the bites all depend on you and your partner’s tastes so be sure to communicate how you feel, what you like, and what you don’t so that your partner can reciprocate their desires as well.

Good Luck!

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.


Your Sex Toy Travel Essentials


Shibari Bling Mini Travel Wand Vibe | Encounter Personal Lubricant 2 Oz. | Analicious Butt Plug

Your Sex Toy Travel Essentials

Traveling can be a hassle in and of itself, but traveling with sex toys? That complicates things even further. That said, it’s not entirely impossible to travel with a few of your favorites vibes and lubes, if you so wish, and with a little thought, they’ll stay under the radar of TSA and everyone else. Typically, if you’re flying somewhere, you’ll want to keep your items small and portable. There’s a weight limit for luggage as well as an ounce limit for liquids so you don’t want lubes and toys costing you more time and money than your flight. To avoid any hassle and pack your items seamlessly, stick to traveling with small toys that are 1 pound or less and lubricants that are 2 ounces in volume or less. This will ensure you can travel worry-free and enjoy some naughty fun when you arrive at your chosen destination!

Browse the Sales on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Sales on Amazon – here.


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