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Sex On A Budget: Bring Intimate Relaxation To Your Home!

In this economy, I know it’s hard. Believe me. But, that being said, I’m still a woman who wants to relax and visit a spa with my man for some mind-calming zen and intimacy. Now I really cannot afford to visit a high-end spa at the moment, especially given that their prices are so inflated, so I decided to bring the spa to our home. I mean, what better way to cool off (or heat up! 😉 this summer than by creating my own little spa paradise, right?

Here’s what I did and you can do it to for little to no cash!

First, create the space. Spas make the big bucks for a reason. They create a wonderful escape for people down to the last detail. Do the same; create your optimal environment for rest, relaxation and pleasure (if you want!) for the day or the whole weekend. Select relaxing and/or sexy sounds that can play in the background. Select color matching or all white towels if you plan on jumping in the bath or shower, exchanging massage treatments or something along those lines. Light candles with appealing scents or burn incense if you like. All of these things will create the environment that you both can enjoy and indulge in.

Second, decide how to treat yourselves. Do you have a pool or spa that you want to include or will you keep it private in the bath or shower? Do you want to treat your partner, they can treat you, or do you both agree to massage one another? Is it strictly relaxation or will it mix with pleasure? Will you include adult games of any sort? All of these things should be discussed in order to make the day and/or weekend the most fun for both of you.

Lastly, will you end the night with tasty treats? Do you wish to include food in your relaxing day/weekend? If so, light fruits and vegetables are highly recommended if you want to add pleasure to your weekend. Avoid any foods that are too heavy. Include wine or champagne if you wish and, if you prefer, a nice gourmet dinner at the end of the evening tops this relaxing getaway quite nicely!

Whatever you decide to do, remember to tailor it to your tastes and desires to make it the most enjoyable day or weekend possible. Have fun and enjoy yourself!

Good Luck!

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