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Sex on a Budget

Have Sex To Burn More Calories & Fight Disease and Depression!

When most people think of having sex, they think of it as purely a sense of pleasure, expression of love and commitment, or as a way to procreate, but sex is hardly ever discussed as a way to fight diseases.

What’s funny, though, is that sex is a form of exercise and fitness, if not a more pleasurable form, and it certainly helps your heart’s health and lower your risk for heart disease and other conditions and illnesses.

Sex has been shown to boost your body’s immunity levels, thereby aiding you in fighting off infection, illness and other conditions that can be damaging to your health.

Click here to read about which sex positions burn the most calories!

Even more impressive, brain chemicals and endorphins are also released during and after intimacy that even help to fight depression!

All in all, sex can be a great tool for enjoyment and ultimate life satisfaction and happiness.

Make sure you protect yourself by using condoms all the time, every time!

Check out our condom selection – here!

So, the next time you’re trying to convince your S.O. to stay up and have that late night nookie session, tell them it’s for their own good – and it really will be too!

Have a Sexy Weekend !

Shop Romance Attack Online!

9 Reason to Have Sex Right NOW!

20 Fun Facts About Sex!

11 New Things to Try In Bed!

Top 6 Exotic Places to Have Sex

Get The “After Sex” Glow With This Smoothie!

This smoothie is super simple to make and will give you a healthy “after sex” glow this summer!

Enjoy a smoothie drink or blend with ice for a thicker consistency.

Both are an enjoyable tasty treat!



  • 1 Handful Spinach
  • 1 Cucumber, seeds removed & chopped
  • 2 Cups Blueberries
  • 1-2 Bananas, chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • Ice (Optional)


Toss all of your ingredients into the blender/ food processor. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Easter Sale! 25% Off Orders $50+ Through Sunday April 8th!

Happy Easter Sale!

Get 25% Off NOW through Easter Sunday (4/8/12) when you spend $50 or more!

Enter Coupon Code: YAY4EASTER

& Get the Deal Instantly!

Offer expires this Easter Sunday so get to shopping!

Restrictions : Limit to 1 per customer, per order.

Happy Easter Egg Hunting! 😉

Magical Orgasms For Your Fantasy Pleasure

With the impending release of many varying versions of your favorite Fairy Tales including the newly released in theaters “Mirror Mirror” and the impending June 2012 release of “Snow White and the Huntsman,” I got to thinking about what sex toys might exist in a magical world in terms of wild fantasy and high levels of magical pleasure.

Here are My Top Sex Toy Picks:

Fairy tales always seem to feature incredibly royal refinery no matter what the story is about. I can definitely see some of these incredible Etched Cock Rings in the King’s chamber!

I can definitely see some of these on Snow White herself. I’m just saying, I know she’s pure of heart and all, but there’s definitely some lust in there somewhere, filling her up, and this is sure to do the trick!

Always featuring horse-riding princes and princesses in their tales, the Brothers’ Grimm really know how to make a story enchanting. Which is why I absolutely had to feature this Fashionista Glass Pony Tail Butt Plug today as it offers the perfect balance between nobility chic sex toy and power plays (BDSM anyone?).

Last but definitely not least, how could I leave out the Wolf? After all, he does offer a titillating promise to “Huff and puff” and blow your erotic mind! 😉


How I Picture Snow White :

How Hollywood Pictures Snow White:

How Snow White Would Probably Be In Reality:

Have a Nice Weekend!

Hurry Up & Shop the Spring Cleaning Sale! Expires 3/31/2012!


Fun Favors to Offer to Someone On Valentine’s Day

As you all know, Valentine’s Day can get a little crazy and consumer driven at times what with diamond rings, bling and other fun gift things, but I wanted to take the time to tell you all that there are plenty of other ways to show your appreciation and love without spending little to no money at all. The following are a few fun ways to pay favors to your special someone or even yourself.


  • Enjoy a Spa Day At Home: You will need:Foot spa or Large Plastic Container, 1 Cup Sea Salt, 1/4 Cup Olive Oil, 2-3 washcloths/scrub brush/pumice stone, 1-2 large towels for drying off. Optional: Essential Oil of your Choice. Whether this means you’re treating yourself or your S.O., the process is basically the same. Fill a foot spa or large plastic container (larger tupper ware works if you don’t have a foot spa!) with warm to hot water. Add 1/2 cup of sea salt to the water and mix another 1/2 cup with 1/4 cup of olive oil. Set the olive oil/salt mix aside. Pull out 2-3 washcloths and 1-2 larger sized towels. You can also bring out any other scrub brushes or pumice stones, if you have them, but it’s not mandatory. You may also add some essential oil to the hot water foot spa to lend a nice, relaxing scent to the experience if you want. Either you or your S.O. may then proceed to enjoy a nice scrub and pedicure from you! If you’re by yourself, I recommend popping in a film and letting the sea salt do all the work. Sea salt is a great scrub that can work to dissolve the dead skin on your feet while also reducing the swelling that our feet endure everyday from walking, exercise, etc. You may also follow this with a massage or simply, the naughty ;). You know the drill!

  • Full Body Massage & More!: You Will Need: Your choice of massage oil, lubricant, and if you choose, massage tools. Of course, you knew this would be mentioned at some point or another! After all, what better way to show someone affection and love than through tender and sensual touch? This one is pretty simple and cheap. All you really need is massage oil. Simply have whoever you want to massage lie down, rub some massage oil onto your hands and massage as you please. Whether you choose to go more erotic or keep it platonic is up to you, but I recommend asking the person ahead of time if they have any back issues or neck problems to avoid any injury. If you’re single, invite a guy or girl friend over and take turns! There is nothing wrong with a little friendly relaxation! Plus, strictly platonic means you can chat and hang out in a stress free environment away from the V-Day insanity that will inevitably ensue in any public place you venture to on this day. If you’re taken, this might just be a nice change of pace for you and your significant other.

  • Wine & Dine: You Will Need: Recipes for the items you want to make, utensils, wine glasses, wine (over 21 ONLY Please!), a great mix CD, and lots of laughter! This is a great idea for friends and couples alike. Making dinner as a group or couple can both be great fun. You can choose recipes together to try and enjoy new flavors. Sip some great red or white wine while you test your culinary skills and enjoy the musical stylings of your favorite artists. Whatever follows is up to you!

See you later! 😉


3 Fun Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day!

With the inevitable impending Hallmark holiday, many of you may be scrambling for gifts to get that special someone, ways to spend less and still have a great time or perhaps you’re single and ready to mingle, wondering where and what you’ll do on the dreaded couples’ day. Whatever your goals are for this notorious holiday of love, here are 3 fun ways you can spend this Valentine’s Day:

If you’re single:

I know for some of you the sheer mention of Valentine’s Day may induce involuntary gagging, but hey, just because you’re not tied down doesn’t mean you cant enjoy this heart-filled holiday. If you are determined to take someone home for a sexy romp, by all means dial up that booty call for some safe, consensual sex (hopefully with some toys from Romance Attack! ;). Otherwise, if you would like to keep things on the clean fun end, there are many fun things you can plan to do with other single ladies and gents that can make your evening a blast. From kareoke to dinner with friends, trying a new fitness class, or taking some rest and rehab at your local health spa, there’s no reason why V-Day can’t be great for you too.

If you’re coupled up:

If you’re in a relationship, the options are more straightforward, but they really don’t have to be. If you want to be conventional, a nice romantic dinner and a movie are in order along with possibly some small gift exchanges

If you’re trying to budget:

I know, in this economy, we’re all about budgeting even when we’re celebrating holidays. That being said, everyone can enjoy the fun-loving spirit of Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank.


For those of you celebrating as a couple, perhaps you’d like to spend this V-day indoors. I know, it sounds lame at first sight, but with the right effort, it could be the perfect evening! A great way to make it special is by lighting many candles (battery powered ones for those who are fire-paranoid!) and eating a nice homemade dinner by candlelight. Spend the most cash on a sexy outfit or fun couples’ gift (perhaps something from our Couples Toys section?) and enjoy slowly making your way to the bedroom after dinner ;). You can even plan your meal to include light, but delicious aphrodisiac foods to increase the sensual pleasure of dinner and all that follows after.


Alright, I know you may be moping around thinking this holiday might totally suck since you’re not in a relationship at the moment, but you couldn’t be more wrong, even on a low budget! If your goal is to spend this day with friends, then holding a pot luck dinner and movie night may be just the thing! Everyone can bring a dish for dinner (and dessert!) and each person can supply their favorite chick flick or slasher flick accordingly in order to lighten the death grip this holiday holds on everyone’s wallet. If you’re determined to get laid this V-day, call up that friend with benefits and skip dinner to get to the good stuff! Spend a small amount on an after sex dessert (your choice to share or not!).

Whatever you decide, whether in a relationship or flying free, remember to enjoy the fun of the holiday and don’t think too much about it. Buy some candy hearts and remember to laugh the night away. Oh! And enjoy some sex toys, supplements and all that jazz because nothing says I love you like a vibrator, aphrodisiac chocolate and the long-awaited turbo-charged supplement striptease ;)!

Good Luck!

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View the Valentine’s Day Offer!

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7 Healthy Sex Habits for 2012!

  1. Check yourself before you wreck yourself! That’s right, get checked for STD’s every 6 months or at least once a year and stay healthy!
  2. Break down the communication wall. Check in with your partner about what each of you enjoys in bed and what you don’t. Strong communication is the key to any healthy relationship, whether purely for fun or more serious.
  3. Practice proper hygiene. I know, this sounds super basic, but just in case you forgot you should wash yourself! Just one more thing you and your partner can do together! 😉
  4. Laugh it off! Funny things happen during sexual exploration every now and again. It’s inevitable. So, let it roll off your shoulder and laugh it off! Everyone is human and with that comes…specific obligations.. No, but seriously. Take a chill pill and LAUGH!
  5. Respect yourself before you neglect yourself! I know it sounds like a slogan, but hey, they may be onto something. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please contact the necessary help lines. There is help and options are available to you. Don’t suffer in silence. AND It DOES get better! Check out SafeHorizon.Org for more information.
  6. Get Creative! Try something new this year with your partner! Whether that means a new position or two, anal play, or simply more massages (Yes!), get creative and explore what you can both enjoy. Variety is the spice of life and helps add dimension to a relationship.
  7. Have more of it! Yes, I am aiding and abetting you both to have more sex. It’s GOOD for you! No really, it is. Check out my article here on why it does your body good!

Whatever your goals, remember to stay healthy, happy and laughing in 2012!

That’s all for now!

Good luck!

10 Sexy New Years’ Resolutions That Should Be On Your List!

So with the new year comes a slew of the inevitable new years’ resolutions that we all pencil into our list of things we would like to get done this year and, with that, I propose a separate list for all things naughty! I have compiled my own list here, but feel free to steal ideas from it if something piques your interest; I’m always happy to share! 😉

1. Use my vibrator more! I spent nearly $100 on this incredible vibe, but I hardly use it. I vow to get my money’s worth!

2. Give and receive more body massages.

3. Offer more sexual favors to my boyfriend. He’s awesome; he deserves it!

4. Try new and exciting sex positions.

5. Enjoy sex in the rain.

6. Be more pro-active and in the moment during sex. No more thinking about laundry!

7. Get up early and enjoy morning sex. < This is going to be so difficult!

8. Utilize more sex toys in my relationship.

9. Enjoy a variety of lubricants and massage oils with my partner.

10. Try edible body painting!


That’s my list!

Hope you enjoy and feel free to post your list in the comments if you like!

Enjoy Holidays the Right Way!

As you know, the holidays are a time of giving thanks, offering gifts and being merry, so what better way to show your honey how much you appreciate them than to give them the gift of pleasure?

I know, it seems contrite, but hear me out!

If you take the time to plan it out and make it extra special, it can definitely be enjoyable for all involved parties ;).

Firstly, remember to create the space and establish the most appropriate for your pleasure goals. Whether this means lots of pillows, soft and silky blankets or whips, chains and cuffs, you know what to do!

Secondly, decide what events you want to take place during your holiday pleasure-filled gift. They don’t need to be complicated. They can be as simple as take a bath together, give mutual massage, and then try several new fun positions! Otherwise, you can play a little S&M followed by teasing, tickling and more! Whatever your flavor, make it fun for both you and your partner.

Lastly, remember its the little things that count the most! Whatever products you prefer, that is, your favorite lubricants, massage oils, tools, crops and kits should all be present and play a part in making the night as magical as possible!

Finally, remember to have a great time and enjoy yourself!

‘Tis the Season!

Enjoy the holidays!

Need More Pleasure Tools At Your Disposal?

Shop the Sale @ Romance Attack until 12/31/11 for GREAT DEALS

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Shop Now While These Offers Last!

Get a FREE Vibe Kit! (Valued at $37.99)

Get this 7 Piece Beauty Kit for FREE when you spend $75 or more on an order between now and December 31st!

Valued at $37.99, this kit makes a great gift for your significant other or any couples you may know who enjoy sensual vibrations and lots of variety!

This kit features a multi-speed egg vibe, slim vibrator and various great attachments for hours of fun and pleasure!

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