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How to Choose the Perfect Sex Toy for Your Partner

how to pick the perfect sex toy for your partner

How to Choose the Perfect Sex Toy for Your Partner

If you are looking to purchase the perfect sex toy for your partner, but you don’t know where to start, this post is for you! I have laid out a few tips and tricks on what to look for, how to find out what your partner likes and wants in a toy, and you can have it delivered by Valentine’s Day with the deals going on in our online store so read on 😉

  • Figure Out What Your Partner Likes. If you don’t know what your partner likes or you aren’t sure, then you’ll want to do some digging. Do they enjoy a certain kind of porn? Are they into anal? Is their ultimate fantasy a threesome? All of these things will determine what toy will work best for them and bring a smile to their face on February 14th.
  • Ask Probing Questions. If you have no idea where to start or no idea what your partner is into, then it’s a good idea to begin asking some probing questions. Of course, you probably don’t want them to know what you’re up to so it’s a good idea to ask “what if” type questions or address them in a roundabout way. You can do so by asking things like, “would you ever try anal?” or “what do you think about threesomes?” Insert other topics and converse with your partner to really figure out what they’re into or might be into experimenting with.
  • Decide On the Perfect Toy. Once you have an idea of what they might enjoy in a toy, then it’s time to shop! Anal toys for anal lovers, threesome toys for those with menage-a-trois fantasies, yiff and furry play, or some classic realistic dildos.

Browse the Deals on Masturgasm – here.

Browse the Deals on Amazon – here.

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