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improve your sex drive

Healthy Foods To Improve Libido & Sexual Arousal Vol. 2

As promised, here’s 5 more libido pumping foods:

  • Chili Peppers: Most spicy chillies contain capsaicin, the ingredient responsible for their spicy flavor, which increases blood flow and triggers the release of endorphins which makes you feel good mentally and physically. Bonus: They also help speed up your metabolism!
  • Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which is essential to optimum reproductive functions in both men and women and also boosts sex drive and arousal.
  • Nutmeg: Surprisingly, nutmeg has been shown in some studies to have similar effects to Viagra and, thankfully, without any side effects.
  • Garlic: Containing allicin, which increases blood flow to sex organs helping increase sensations in the pelvic region and overall libido.
  • Figs: These little miracles are high in amino acids (protein!), which increase both overall energy levels and sexual stamina.
