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6 Surprising Health Benefits of Oral Sex

Aside from the obvious pleasure gained from giving (& receiving!) oral sex with your partner, you may be surprised to find there are actually quite a bit of physical and psychological reasons you feel so great after pleasing your lover.

Here are a Few of the Most Surprising Benefits of Oral Sex:

  • Get in the Mood to Boost Your Mood! Did you know that semen actually serves as a mood stabilizer? So, that lift you’re feeling after pleasuring your partner isn’t simply a job well done satisfaction. You actually do FEEL better! Research suggests that semen may provide anti-depressant effects as it acts as an antagonist on depression. And more than that, it will completely lift you up as any form of sex has shown to boost self-esteem and confidence levels.
  • Get Your Blood Pumping to Lower the Pressure. Ahh, the numerous benefits of semen will have you rolling or reeling or both. Semen has been shown to lower blood pressure and calm you down, providing stress relief, better sleep and contentment.
  • Fight Disease & Illness For Both Parties.Yes, a shot of semen a day might just keep the doctor away. In fact, oral sex is beneficial to the health of both parties given that the more a man ejaculates, the lower his risk for colon and prostate cancer will be AND when a woman swallows a man’s semen, she lowers her risk for breast cancer.
  • Don’t Stress it. Having a bad day? No problem. Semen will literally relax you. If you’re stressed, research shows semen reduces stress 10 fold.
  • Immunity Boost Please! I know it might sound gross to some, but semen actually provides a good shot of zinc, calcium, potassium, various proteins and fructose which provides some nice health bonuses not to mention an immediate energy boost.
  • Heal My Heart. Did you know that sex may actually help protect the heart? Several experiments also show that the chemical oxytocin (released during sex) may even assist in healing wounds, including stubborn sores due to diabetes, by regenerating certain cells.
  • Cuddle Time! While lowering your stress levels and boosting your mood, oral sex also gets you in the mood to get intimate. Bonding and closeness are often felt during and after this fun sexual experience.

Side Notes: Did you know that oral sex is even mentioned in the Bible? Encouraged even as a way to stay chaste, oral sex is often referred to in the Song of Solomon and swallowing is encouraged in order to not “spill his seed upon the ground.” Crazy, ha?

So the next time you’re not in the mood to fool around, remind yourself of all you stand to gain!

Auto Erotica 101

Auto Erotica…AKA Masturbation…AKA Onanism…AKA Self-Abuse…AKA Self-Pollution? WAIT A SECOND. What?

If you’re not sure what I’m getting at, let’s start from the beginning. Masturbation. Masturbation is the act of pleasuring oneself, usually with a goal of ultimate orgasm. There are many variations of that, but they usually involve that same basic A to B goal. It has been done for as long as we (humans) can remember and is even referred to in ancient texts. Even so, some people believe that masturbation is unhealthy, unlawful, disgusting, and abnormal…so is it?

My first response is Absolutely NOT.

Why, do you ask?

Well, for a few reasons.

For one, did you know that masturbation is one of the best ways to give your day a lift in a literal and literally physical biological way?

This means that the biological chemistry of our body is boosted by masturbating.

It actually FIGHTS depression. You read right. It fights depression. If you’re depressed and considering medication like zoloft, consider first masturbation or the art of self love.

Other benefits?

Masturbation releases endorphins just like during sex that help boost your mood and give you a feeling of contentment.

Masturbation also helps boost your self confidence and self esteem. That’s right. The art of self love literally helps you love yourself more. I don’t know about you, but I can always use more of that.

Many believe that masturbation can also promote a harmonious relationship.

Both masturbation and sexual intercourse help to lower blood pressure.

Masturbation also lowers stress and anxiety levels, reduces headaches and helps us fall asleep.

Masturbation also boosts our immune system which helps prevent illness.

There is NO, I repeat NO scientific evidence to support the facts that many say masturbation is bad for you, not physically nor psychologically. While too much masturbation may cause swelling, bruising or rash due to too much friction or possibly desensitization, these side effects are often rare and caused by callused or rough hands,  overeager stroking or lack of lubrication. Anyway, it in no way will permanently harm you. In that case, you may need to lay off the self love for a week or so until your bruises heal.

Here are some Myths about Masturbation that are NOT true:

  • Hairy Palms: I don’t even know how someone came up with this. This is just bizarre. No medical research backs this up, it’s not true so don’t worry.
  • Blindness & Insanity: A study done by Kinsey in 1950s showed that over 90% of men and 70% of women masturbated in their lifetime. Wouldn’t they all be blind and insane if this were true? We’d be a living “Zombieland” so obviously this one is false.
  • Masturbation Causes Acne: If this were true, every 14 year old boy would have acne and, well, they clearly don’t.
  • Masturbating is For Singles or Loners Only: Actually, masturbation is for everyone. Those who are singles AND in relationships report masturbating regularly. Some claim it also promotes harmony in their relationship.

While some religious, moral and cultural beliefs may shame or guilt in their social groups, claiming that masturbation is sinful, harmful or morally wrong, it is actually good for your physical and mental health. Obviously, the viewpoints on masturbation will depend on your own religion or culture, but I don’t believe a righteous loving God would condemn self love in any form. If you are suffering from guilt or shame, talking to a therapist about why you feel the way you do about masturbation and they may help you overcome these feelings. If your masturbation habits are interfering with your daily life, happiness, etc., you may want to consider also visiting a therapist to find out why your masturbation habits are so frequent.

So, all in all, the thesaurus is wrong.  I don’t believe that masturbation is in any way self- abuse or self- pollution. It is considered perfectly normal and healthy by the medical community and actually supports your physical and mental well being.

When it comes down to it, the choice is yours, so do what’s right for you and be happy.

Here are 2 Great Toys for Masturbation:



Happy Friday!