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How to Make Sex More Spiritual


How to Make Sex A Spiritual Experience

Sex is wonderful in and of itself, but if you’re looking for something a little more fulfilling to your spiritual life and want to take sex to a higher level, I came up with a few tips to help you get there!

  • Connect With Your Partner(s). Obviously, the first step to a higher level of intimacy is connecting with your partner(s). Because spirituality is a connection of the mind and spirit, you want to be at total ease and comfort with whoever you are engaging erotic activities with. There are easy ways to connect with your partner on this level that you can try, as you like, but my favorites include meditating and/or yoga practice together, weight lifting together, engaging in personal conversation without distraction, indulging in a bath or shower together, and giving one another an erotic massage. Take things slow; that’s where the magic happens!
  • Sex Meditation. Sex meditation isn’t just sitting around doing nothing, though I know a lot of people might have this belief about it. Meditation can be any number of things: making eye contact with your partner without speaking, bathing together in silence, and/or just lying next to one another without doing anything else. Meditation is a focused intention on being with one another without having to do, be, or say anything and this will help you both further connect.
  • Try Tantra. Once you feel a strong intimate bond with one another, you can take things to a higher precipice of ecstasy by indulging in tantra. There are many ways to engage in tantra, but the basics of it are slow, intense, engaged, sexual pleasure and it’s very much rooted in a connection with your partner. You can get more tips on tantra here and read about the history of tantra here.

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Meditation Tips for Better Sex

Meditation can improve many areas of your life for added benefits including better sleep, less stress, mental clarity, and more, but what if I told you it could help improve your sex life?

Firstly, working on your breathing has a number of health benefits, one of which includes stronger and more intense orgasms for practitioners. Given lots of consistent and daily meditation practice for 5-30 minutes a day, you can improve the length of intercourse and the intensity and quality of orgasms.

Secondly, and this one’s for the guys, it can help control ejaculation and prolong erections the natural way (Yay for no side effects!). Other improvements include improved self confidence and overall performance sexually as well as your own satisfaction with sexual experiences. Some studies even site meditation for increased overall sexual desire and libido in bed.

Lastly, meditation makes you feel GOOD! I know, I know, it may sound preachy or reaching, but the yuppies who make this a regular practice in their lives are on to something. Meditation, especially coupled with yoga, can help improve all areas of your life, least of all your sex and love life. Some studies may even show it improves the quality of relationships and bonds we form with others.

So, what are you waiting for?

Get to it!

Meditation, I mean. 😉

Try Yoga For Better Sex!

Everyone knows that yoga is great for your health, but did you know it can also help improve your sex life?

Aside from the obvious improvements gained by any type of exercise, yoga has a variety of benefits that will improve both your health and sex life. The most noticeable effects of practicing yoga are a reduction in stress, increased energy levels, better sleep, and improved flexibility which can all contribute to a better sex life. The less noticeable but nonetheless impacting effects of yoga include increased blood flow to the pelvic area with the consistent practice of yoga poses which can offer more intense sensations during sex and ultimate orgasm, an improve in your overall sense of self confidence as studies show people who practice yoga are less likely to gain weight over time as they age, and an increase in self respect and self love as yoga teaches that the body is a temple to be revered and protected.

Yoga also improves the ability to be receptive to others without judgment at times of vulnerability( as is usually the case during sex) as it brings increased awareness of your own body and sensitivity to the vibes and moods of others thereby  assisting you in better pleasing your partner and communicating what it is that you like and want during intimacy. Yoga helps you to be fully in the moment and present when you spend intimate time with your partner as many practices require complete relaxation of both the body and the mind, providing practitioners with an undeniable state of clarity.

To practice yoga, seek out your local gym as most offer yoga classes free with memberships or a local yoga studio nearest you. Prices are not unreasonable, especially considering what you receive in return.

If you’re a beginner & are unsure about taking a class try these simple tips:

  • Deep Breathing: Close your eyes and sit or lay on the floor (however is most comfortable). Take slow deep breaths in as you mentally count to 10 and then exhale for 10. Repeat as many times as you wish, but try and aim for at least 10 inhales and 10 exhales a day. It’s a great refresher and will reduce anxiety and stress immediately.
  • Butterfly Pose: This pose may sound unfamiliar, but I’ve bet you’ve done it during stretching at gym class. Simply sit on the floor with the bottom of your feet touching, knees bent, parallel to the floor. Bend your torso, at the waist, over your legs for a nice long stretch. Do this in combination with deep breathing techniques.
  • Super Man: Everyone does this, even babies. Lie on your stomach with your hands resting on the floor over your head, palms to the floor. Slowly, lift up your legs and hands, arching your back slightly. Hold for 10 (remember to breathe!) and then lower for ten. Repeat at least 5 times. Enjoy flying!
  • Plank: This might be more known to pilates lovers, but is so effective everyone should do it. Cherished by active women everywhere for it’s ability to tone, tighten and strength the ab muscles, plank is done by bending your arms (at the elbow) into a 45 degree angle forearms against the floor. Using your forearms as support, raise onto your toes, with your legs straight out behind you, paralell to the floor. It should look like you’re doing a push up, only you’re not going anywhere and your forearms are holding you in place instead of your hands. All you have to do is hold it for 30 second intervals. Hold 30, rest 30. Repeat as many times as you can.

Good Luck!

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