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After much toiling and digital labor, our brand New and freshly minted adult shop, MasturGasm Online, is now up and running and ready for shopping!

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Yours Truly,

Kinky Kate



Get In Shape With Your Partner & Enjoy Better Sex!

[Image by Ambro, 2012]


[Image by Ambro, 2012]

If your sex life is experiencing some dry, dull patches, you may want to consider fitness with your partner as a way to rekindle the flame in your relationship!

While it may sound trivial, if you are either overweight or have previously done workouts alone, you may find a special bond and pick up in libido if you decide to take the plunge and do some fun workouts with your significant other.

Sweat, Baby, Sweat!

First off all, it doesn’t have to be a difficult workout. It just has to get your heart pumping and your body sweating. When we sweat,we excrete natural pheromones  on a biological level to attract potential mates which may lead to a stronger attraction between you and your partner. Though you may not like the smell of sweat, you can always entertain the idea of shower or after-shower sex! You can do anything from intense stretching or yoga to more intense cardio or strength training. Not only will the bond and happiness of working out, spending time together and bonding as a fitness team improve your relationship overall, but you may find that your libido kicks up a few notches and the post-workout endorphins might just launch you and your partner into frequent after-workout sex sessions!

Get Touchy Feely!

Secondly, whatever you do, do it together. I don’t mean exercise near or next to one another. You should be fully engaged in each other’s workout. There are team stretches and joint strength body workouts you can do in between singular ones to increase the involvement with one another. Whatever you can do to increase contact between the two of you, the better.

Motivation In the Form Of A Post-Workout Romp!

Whether or not you have trouble getting motivated to work out, the best motivation is the promise of an end reward and what better reward to look forward to than post-workout pleasure?

So, get up and moving with your partner this season to experience new and exciting sensations!

You can enjoy a little extra fun with some added toys as well!

You Can Shop Our Entire Line of Sex Toys on Amazon – Here!



Sex On A Budget: Scarves For Bondage

Bondage can be an expensive taste.

For those who are frequent practitioners or simply love the lifestyle, it is a given that any quality bondage materials often can cost you quite a bit.

Therefore, finding quality restraints is often a problem experienced by those practiced and professed in the art of bondage.

So what if you’re simply an average user or bondage curious?

If you are only curious to try out bondage love or if you don’t dabble too deeply in kink, this tip could work well for you.

Simply employ some fabric scarves as love restraints!

This saves you money because scarves are often much cheaper than any bondage restraints available.

They work well for the average user and add a touch of sensuality to any session you might be having and are easily attainable at any clothing or accessories store or online for a small price.

Cons to using scarves during bondage play include the fact that for more intense users, scarves may rip or may not last long due to wear and tear, scarves may not hold well for your purposes, or the styles available for scarves may not suit your tastes, especially if you’re a lover of leather or other strong and durable materials.

All in all, if you are engage in mild bondage play, using scarves may work well for you in the bedroom.

If not, feel free to check out our bondage section for more durable options!

Have a Nice Weekend!

Good Luck!

Sex on a Budget: Bosu & Swiss Balls Makeshift Sex Position Aids?

Most people know of Swiss and BOSU® Balls as exercise aids. They are commonly used to facilitate a variety of exercises including abdominal crunches, push-ups, and more.

But, what about sex position aids?

Think about it.

A lot of sex position aids out there are in similar shapes and used simply as a way to facilitate sex positions in ways that cannot be done by yourself alone. Both aids are used in very similar ways with a few obvious exceptions. So, that being said, couldn’t you utilize a Swiss or BOSU® Ball in the same way that you would a sex position aid?

The Benefits.

After all, think about all the money you’ll save. Depending on what kind of spender you are, you can save anywhere from $30-$200 if you double your Swiss or BOSU® Ball as both an exercise and sex position aid. The Swiss Ball can be utilized for mostly fun positions and less anatomically compromising ones (meaning no difficult or advanced positions!) due to the instability of the ball. The BOSU® Ball can be utilized as a simple position aid, especially if you put a blanket over it to make the surface softer. And, of course, you now have a position aid and an exercise aid that you can use for both getting in shape and getting off. I love multitasking!

The Drawbacks.

Drawbacks to using the exercise balls as sex position aids are that the exercise aids really are not that sexually or sensually appealing. Their surfaces are, unfortunately, plastic and not made for comfort so they would need to be covered in a sheet or blanket or you can simply endure. They lack a certain level of stability which means if you have bad coordination or balance, you might end up hurting yourself. Deciding whether or not to use one is really to your discretion. Be ready to judge your fitness level and see if you are up to par with the challenges this would pose. Lastly, sex position aids are more aesthetically pleasing than are exercise aids. If you’re trying to set the mood, it might be difficult.

The Bottom Line.

If you are really strapped for cash, this could be a good idea for you, especially if you already own one of these exercise aids. If not, depending on your fitness level and which you would use more (sex aid or exercise aid), you may want to simply invest in one or the other. All in all, if you do have one or wish to get in shape while you get off, this might work for you and will definitely save you lots of cash. Remember to consult your primary care physician if you are unsure about your fitness level, health, etc. before attempting anything.

Good Luck!

Tips for Multiple Orgasms

The concept of multiple orgasms is different for both males and females. For women, this concept is not so entirely unfamiliar or thought to be as unreachable as previously thought for men. Now, with new research and techniques, it seems it might be possible for both men and women to experience the pleasure of an orgasm multiple times. How, you ask? Check below for some great tips on how to achieve multiple orgasms in one sitting.

  • Begin by setting the mood. Whatever it takes to get your body and mind in the right mindset and really get yourself turned on is important in keeping yourself in the mood. This could be done by lighting candles, playing certain music, burning incense, showering, or maybe some special form of stimulation.
  • Some researchers advise those who want to have multiple orgasms to experience the first orgasm through oral stimulation or with a vibrator and then move onto actual penetration once the first orgasm has passed.
  • It is also advised that actual penetration on your second attempt at orgasm (after the first) should be steadily led up to. This means, after experiencing the first orgasm, gentle stimulation should continue, but VERY gently. Continued stimulation is important as your body is already aroused. If clitoral stimulation is too much, try stimulation around other pleasure spots that are less sensitive until you feel ready. Penetration should not be involved until both people are ready.
  • Multiple orgasms for both men and women are something that both parties need to work at. It is recommended that you take turns making one or the other orgasm if special attention is required to achieve multiple orgasms.

Remember to be gentle and enjoy yourself.  This may take a little practice so if you don’t experience it the first time, it’s okay. It may take some time to work up to having multiple orgasms, especially if your body is not used to it. If at any point you are not having fun or feeling good, or if you experience irritation or pain, you should immediately stop. Although this is unlikely, especially if you are both being gentle, it is important to listen to your body and not do anything to harm yourself or others. Remember to  have a great time and bask in whatever cums… Yeah, I went there.

The Importance of An Open Mind In Your Relationship

Many times throughout the years I find myself exploring new and exciting things in life, sexual and non-sexual of course, and it has always been with the support of my better half that I am able to laugh and smile at the less comfortable moments in the learning process.

Sexual openness is very important in any relationship. I think it’s really essential to maintain an open mind and to suspend judgment when you and your partner are trying new things in bed or even simply expressing your ideas or sexual fantasies. I firmly believe that accepting your partner as they are, as a whole, is the way to obtain a truly happy and loving relationship in the long term. Your partner should be your partner in crime on the road to sexual and happiness fulfillment and you both should be prepared to laugh and support one another along the way.

Whether trying something new with your partner during sex or simply stepping out of your comfort zone and deciding to both go zip-lining when you’re afraid of heights to overcome a fear, it is important to remember that you’re in this life together.

I know it seems difficult to maintain an open thought process if the subject is something completely in left field in your mind, and to an extent perhaps you are better suited to someone else if the gap is too wide to relate, but I promise you might be glad you suspended judgment on your partner if in the end you find you might enjoy the suggestions they make for better love or even better life.

So whatever you do, remember to smile, laugh off the awkward moments and learn a little more each day.

It’s your time to shine.

The Mysterious G-Spot

The existence of the G spot has been debated over for years now by medical professionals and scientists alike, but those of us who have experienced the magical sensations of a G spot orgasm KNOW that it truly does exist! For those who are unfamiliar with the G spot, the G-spot is a small area said to be located at the front top of the vagina that contains an erogenous zone. The stimulation of this zone by either toy use, sexual intercourse or other sexual acts is said to produce powerful sexual arousal, intense mind blowing orgasms and, in some cases, female ejaculation. So, with that being said, go off on a wild sexual pleasure hunt for your g-spot if you haven’t yet found it; once you do, you will be SO glad that you did!

Good Luck!

For a complete diagram of the location of the G-spot, check out Wikipedia’s anatomical diagram.

Recommended Toys for G-Spot Stimulation:

magbo system